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作者: 时间:2019-06-12 点击数:

山东省自然科学基金面上项目主持者——刘志娥    刘志娥,女,齐鲁师范学院物理与电子工程学院副教授。2007年获中科院云南天文台天体物理专业硕士学位,2014年获北京师     范大学天体物理专业博士学位。现为齐鲁师范学院副教授,主要从事星震学、宇宙学方面的研究。在相关领域发表和合作发表学术     论文7篇。获得2018年度山东省高等学校科学技术奖二等奖,主持山东省自然科学基金面上项目一项。


      [1] Zhie Liu, Wuming Yang, Shaolan Bi, Zhijia Tian, et al. Asteroseismic analysis of the CoRoT target HD 49933, As trophysical Journal (SCI 2区), 2014(780): 152.

    [2]Zhie Liu, Shaolan Bi, Wuming Yang, et al. Exploring the sources of p-mode frequency shifts in the CoRoT target HD 49933, Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics (SCI 4区), 2014 (14): 683-692.

    [3]Zhie Liu, Haoran Yu, Tongjie Zhang, et al. Direct reconstruction of dynamical dark energy from observational Hubble parameter data, Physics of the Dark Universe (SCI, 1区), 2016 (14): 21-28.

    [4]Zhijia Tian, Shaolan Bi, Zhie Liu, et al. Asteroseismic analysis of solar-like star KIC 6225718: constraints on stellar parameters and core overshooting, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (SCI 2区), 2014 (445): 2999-3008.

[5]Wuming Yang, Shaolan Bi, Xiangcun Meng, Zhie Liu, The Effects of Rotation on the Main-sequence Turnoff of Intermediate-age Massive Star Clusters, Astrophysical Journal (SCI 2), 2013 (776): 112.

[6]Kang Liu, Shaolan Bi, Tanda Li, Zhie Liu, Zhijia Tian and Zhishuai Ge, Precise determination of fundamental parameters of six exoplanet host stars and their planets, Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics (SCI 4区), 2014 (14): 1447-1457.


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